Special Features
Over the years, I've had a few things to say about the state of affairs in the Western anime world...for better and for worse. I've made great predictions and gotten some terribly wrong. I've written about conventions, anime clubs, the best and worst anime to come along...a little bit of everything. Because many of the special features are now dates, our listing is in reverse chronological order. Some articles are so old, we don't even know when they're from, and they'll appear at the tail end of the list. Nevertheless, the specials have a few surprises, as well as an interesting history of anime in the U.S. over the last fifteen years or so. Enjoy!
The Future Of The Anime Review
Responding To The Future Of The Anime Review
The Anime Review: State of Affairs (2008)
Youmacon 2008: The Anime Review's Perspective
The Anime Review: State of Affairs (February 2007)
The Anime Review: Summer 2006 Sabbatical
Book Review: The Science of Anime
Has The Anime Review Gone Commercial?
The Anime Review: State of Affairs (2004)
The Summer of Our Discontent: The Anime Review's 2004 Saga
C-Kon 2002: The Anime Review's Perspective
Anime on DVD: 1999 Year In Review
Macross Unedited: The Way To Do The Right Things Right
The Misunderstood Classics of Anime
Hayao Miyazaki: The Gift of Creative Magic
Obnoxious Vitriolic Arrogance: Why US Anime Companies Release Junk
Anime on DVD: Revolution or Revolt?
The Decline Of Anime Clubs...and the Otaku's Response