Thank you for making a donation to The Anime Review!
Please note that while this is a not-for-profit site, we are not officially registered as a 501(c)3 by the IRS. As such, no tax deductions can be made for gifts to The Anime Review.
While The Anime Review is a relatively simple site, webhosting and the domain name run about $100 per year. While streaming is the wave of the future, streaming services add another $160 to the yearly mix. Add in DVD purchases, and it can get pretty expensive! In no year has The Anime Review paid for itself. It is a labor of love all the way around for me.
You can donate through the PayPal link below. If you should want to donate by sending me discs to review, I am open to that possibility. If you are looking to donate discs, please write to me to find out the usefulness of such a donation.
Once again, I appreciate your help!